Expanding horizons - welcome our US based team
Ignition CX
Ignition CX

Expanding Horizons: Ignition CX Welcomes a US-Based Team of Customer Experience Experts

Chalk Treatment
Ignition CX is proud to announce that we now have a US-based team of CX experts. Ignition is the first South African-owned CX company to expand into the US and have a full service on-shore offering.

This makes us a true one-stop service provider, able to leverage the extensive value and service excellence benefits of a South African-based CX provider with the specific benefits of a US-based team.

Why have we done this? On-shore, off-shore, one partner! It’s a natural progression for Ignition CX, ensuring that we can give our numerous US-based partners every aspect of service that they need in the CX spectrum. “We have partners who need US-based agents for certain aspects of their business,” says Ryan Bayman, CEO of Ignition CX. “This might be due to board mandates, industry regulations (financial or health, for example) or even required by law, such as for government contracts. Other aspects of their CX outsourcing can be handled by off-shore agents, such as ours in South Africa – this obviously helps with the cost of the service. Ignition CX is unique in that we are able to offer both services from a South African base, which makes it far easier and less complex for our partners.”

While the majority of Ignition CX’s workforce will always be based in South Africa to take advantage of the numerous industry-specific benefits this country offers, from political stability to our first-class accents, resilience and incredible blend of customer empathy and sales savvy, we will continue to expand to meet our partners’ demands.

Facts about our US Operations

  • Remote agents in 8 US states. ​
  • Flexible hours (24/7/365).​
  • The Work From Home operation attracts skilled and specialised workers.​
  • Meets regulated business requirements for US-based onshore services.​
  • Promotes impact sourcing and diversity by sourcing talent from remote areas, diverse backgrounds and multiple cultures.​
  • Multilingual support​
  • US WFH is 10-30% cheaper than brick and mortar contact centres. ​
  • Currently support multiple sectors, and are expanding.

If your company would like to find out more about our US-or SA-based CX offerings, get in touch.